Title: NFL's Funniest Players: Hosted By Michael Strahan
Year: 2008
Actors : Robb Webb, Michael Strahan, Chris Chandler, Matt Smith
The NFLs big men bring huge laughs in NFLs Funniest Players, hosted by Michael Strahan of the New York Giants. This aint your fathers follies videoits a look at the humor that comes from the game of pro football and the men who play it. Its a wild comedic ride from training camp right on through to the Super Bowl. Its an all-access pass to the sidelines, the locker room, and even the recording studio, as NFL players realize holding a tune isnt quite as easy as holding a football. Youll see our funniest wire bites, hilarious commercial parodies, and the occasional mascot hijinx. Join Michael Strahan on a tour of the unseen, the unsightly, and the unusual in this uncommonly funny DVD, NFLs funniest players.