Title: 3 Nights in the Desert
Version: 3 Nights in the Desert (Blu-ray) Filmrise Drama
Released in: 2014
Genre Drama
Cast Wes Bentley, Vincent Piazza, Amber Tamblyn
Director: Gabriel Cowan
Plot: THE BIG CHILL meets THE GRADUATE. What could have been? What might have been? Reunions can be exciting, frustrating, exhilarating, nostalgic, one life given over to practicality while another chases lost dreams. Set against the ma...
Version: 3 Nights in the Desert (Blu-ray) Filmrise Drama
Released in: 2014
Genre Drama
Cast Wes Bentley, Vincent Piazza, Amber Tamblyn
Director: Gabriel Cowan
Plot: THE BIG CHILL meets THE GRADUATE. What could have been? What might have been? Reunions can be exciting, frustrating, exhilarating, nostalgic, one life given over to practicality while another chases lost dreams. Set against the ma...