Title: Tales from the Darkside Second Season
Version: Tales from the Darkside: The Second Season [3 Discs]
Released in: 1983–1988
Genre Comedy, Drama, Fantasy
Cast Paul Sparer, Catherine Battistone, John Marzilli
Director: N/A
Plot: "Tales from the Darkside" was a horror anthology series where the viewer is taken through ghost stories, science fiction adventures, and creepy, unexplained events.
Version: Tales from the Darkside: The Second Season [3 Discs]
Released in: 1983–1988
Genre Comedy, Drama, Fantasy
Cast Paul Sparer, Catherine Battistone, John Marzilli
Director: N/A
Plot: "Tales from the Darkside" was a horror anthology series where the viewer is taken through ghost stories, science fiction adventures, and creepy, unexplained events.