Title: National Velvet
Released in: 1944
Genre Drama, Family, Sport
Cast Mickey Rooney, Elizabeth Taylor, Donald Crisp
Director: Clarence Brown
Plot: A jaded former jockey helps a young girl prepare a wild but gifted horse for England s Grand National Sweepstakes.
Title: International Velvet
Released in: 1978
Genre Drama, Family, Sport
Cast Tatum O Neal, Christopher Plummer, Anthony Hopkins
Director: Bryan Forbes
Plot: Velvet s orphaned niece Sarah follows her dream of Olympic glory with her horse Arizona Pie.
Title: The Story of Seabiscuit
Released in: 1949
Genre Drama, Family, Romance
Cast Shirley Temple, Barry Fitzgerald, Lon McCallister
Director: David Butler
Plot: Horse trainer Shawn O Hara and his lovely niece Margaret come to America to escape the memory of an accident involving Margaret s brother Danny. Working with thoroughbreds in Kentucky, Shawn takes a liking to a yearling named Seab...
Title: Black Beauty
Released in: 1994
Genre Adventure, Drama, Family
Cast Sean Bean, David Thewlis, Docs Keepin Time
Director: Caroline Thompson
Plot: The fates of horses, and the people who own and command them, are revealed as Black Beauty narrates the circle of his life.
Released in: 1944
Genre Drama, Family, Sport
Cast Mickey Rooney, Elizabeth Taylor, Donald Crisp
Director: Clarence Brown
Plot: A jaded former jockey helps a young girl prepare a wild but gifted horse for England s Grand National Sweepstakes.
Title: International Velvet
Released in: 1978
Genre Drama, Family, Sport
Cast Tatum O Neal, Christopher Plummer, Anthony Hopkins
Director: Bryan Forbes
Plot: Velvet s orphaned niece Sarah follows her dream of Olympic glory with her horse Arizona Pie.
Title: The Story of Seabiscuit
Released in: 1949
Genre Drama, Family, Romance
Cast Shirley Temple, Barry Fitzgerald, Lon McCallister
Director: David Butler
Plot: Horse trainer Shawn O Hara and his lovely niece Margaret come to America to escape the memory of an accident involving Margaret s brother Danny. Working with thoroughbreds in Kentucky, Shawn takes a liking to a yearling named Seab...
Title: Black Beauty
Released in: 1994
Genre Adventure, Drama, Family
Cast Sean Bean, David Thewlis, Docs Keepin Time
Director: Caroline Thompson
Plot: The fates of horses, and the people who own and command them, are revealed as Black Beauty narrates the circle of his life.