Title: Whispering Smith
Released in: 1948
Genre Drama, Western
Cast Alan Ladd, Robert Preston, Brenda Marshall
Director: Leslie Fenton
Plot: Legendary railroad detective Whispering Smith becomes convinced that old friend and colleague Murray Sinclair has joined a criminal band to loot the railroad.
Title: The Duel at Silver Creek
Released in: 1952
Genre Western
Cast Audie Murphy, Faith Domergue, Stephen McNally
Director: Don Siegel
Plot: Marshal Tyrone and the Silver Kid form an uneasy alliance against a gang of claim jumpers.
Title: War Arrow
Released in: 1953
Genre Drama, Romance, War
Cast Maureen O Hara, Jeff Chandler, John McIntire
Director: George Sherman
Plot: Major Howell Brady arrives in Indian Territory in hopes of recruiting peaceful, relocated Seminoles to help the army fight rampaging Kiowas.
Released in: 1948
Genre Drama, Western
Cast Alan Ladd, Robert Preston, Brenda Marshall
Director: Leslie Fenton
Plot: Legendary railroad detective Whispering Smith becomes convinced that old friend and colleague Murray Sinclair has joined a criminal band to loot the railroad.
Title: The Duel at Silver Creek
Released in: 1952
Genre Western
Cast Audie Murphy, Faith Domergue, Stephen McNally
Director: Don Siegel
Plot: Marshal Tyrone and the Silver Kid form an uneasy alliance against a gang of claim jumpers.
Title: War Arrow
Released in: 1953
Genre Drama, Romance, War
Cast Maureen O Hara, Jeff Chandler, John McIntire
Director: George Sherman
Plot: Major Howell Brady arrives in Indian Territory in hopes of recruiting peaceful, relocated Seminoles to help the army fight rampaging Kiowas.