Title: A Cinderella Story
Released in: 2004
Genre Comedy, Family, Romance
Cast Hilary Duff, Chad Michael Murray, Jennifer Coolidge
Director: Mark Rosman
Plot: Routinely exploited by her wicked stepmother, the downtrodden Samantha Montgomery is excited about the prospect of meeting her Internet beau at the school s Halloween dance.
Title: The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
Released in: 2005
Genre Comedy, Drama, Romance
Cast Amber Tamblyn, Alexis Bledel, America Ferrera
Director: Ken Kwapis
Plot: Four best girlfriends hatch a plan to stay connected with one another as their lives start off in different directions: they pass around a pair of secondhand jeans that fits each of their bodies perfectly.
Released in: 2004
Genre Comedy, Family, Romance
Cast Hilary Duff, Chad Michael Murray, Jennifer Coolidge
Director: Mark Rosman
Plot: Routinely exploited by her wicked stepmother, the downtrodden Samantha Montgomery is excited about the prospect of meeting her Internet beau at the school s Halloween dance.
Title: The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
Released in: 2005
Genre Comedy, Drama, Romance
Cast Amber Tamblyn, Alexis Bledel, America Ferrera
Director: Ken Kwapis
Plot: Four best girlfriends hatch a plan to stay connected with one another as their lives start off in different directions: they pass around a pair of secondhand jeans that fits each of their bodies perfectly.