Title: Winslow the Christmas Bear
Released in: 1996
Genre Adventure, Drama, Mystery
Cast Deb Adams, Bryce Chamberlain, Renee Davi, Paul Engemann
Director: Craig Clyde
Plot: All the residents of the forest gather around Winslow to listen to his latest heroic tale of mystery and adventure.
Title: Mr. St. Nick
Released in: 2002
Genre Comedy, Fantasy
Cast Kelsey Grammer, Elaine Hendrix, Brian Bedford
Director: Craig Zisk
Plot: King Nicholas XX is ready to retire and pass the throne to his son, Nick St Nicholas. But Nick is a no-show, preferring his lavish seaside lifestyle and his sexy girlfriend. Only a miracle can save Christmas.
Title: The Night Before Christmas
Released in: 1941
Genre Animation, Short, Comedy
Cast Hob Nati, Jack Sabel, The Boswell Sisters
Director: Joseph Barbera, William Hanna, Rudolf Ising
Plot: Well, a mouse *is* stirring... And he s having fun playing with the toys, until he mistakes Tom for a stuffed toy and wakes him up.
Title: Christmas Comes But Once a Year
Released in: 1936
Genre Animation, Short, Comedy
Cast Jack Mercer, Mae Questel
Director: Dave Fleischer, Seymour Kneitel
Plot: At an orphanage, the children are sad because they received broken toys as gifts. Professor Grampy sees the children while passing by in his sled and has an idea on how to give them a merry Christmas.
Title: Santa s Pocket Watch
Released in: 1980
Genre Animation, Short, Family
Cast William Rushton
Director: Pete Parsons
Plot: A young boy s Christmas wish to meet Santa Claus is fulfilled when he flies him to the North Pole on Christmas Eve to a party with a host of humorous elves
Released in: 1996
Genre Adventure, Drama, Mystery
Cast Deb Adams, Bryce Chamberlain, Renee Davi, Paul Engemann
Director: Craig Clyde
Plot: All the residents of the forest gather around Winslow to listen to his latest heroic tale of mystery and adventure.
Title: Mr. St. Nick
Released in: 2002
Genre Comedy, Fantasy
Cast Kelsey Grammer, Elaine Hendrix, Brian Bedford
Director: Craig Zisk
Plot: King Nicholas XX is ready to retire and pass the throne to his son, Nick St Nicholas. But Nick is a no-show, preferring his lavish seaside lifestyle and his sexy girlfriend. Only a miracle can save Christmas.
Title: The Night Before Christmas
Released in: 1941
Genre Animation, Short, Comedy
Cast Hob Nati, Jack Sabel, The Boswell Sisters
Director: Joseph Barbera, William Hanna, Rudolf Ising
Plot: Well, a mouse *is* stirring... And he s having fun playing with the toys, until he mistakes Tom for a stuffed toy and wakes him up.
Title: Christmas Comes But Once a Year
Released in: 1936
Genre Animation, Short, Comedy
Cast Jack Mercer, Mae Questel
Director: Dave Fleischer, Seymour Kneitel
Plot: At an orphanage, the children are sad because they received broken toys as gifts. Professor Grampy sees the children while passing by in his sled and has an idea on how to give them a merry Christmas.
Title: Santa s Pocket Watch
Released in: 1980
Genre Animation, Short, Family
Cast William Rushton
Director: Pete Parsons
Plot: A young boy s Christmas wish to meet Santa Claus is fulfilled when he flies him to the North Pole on Christmas Eve to a party with a host of humorous elves