Title: Stonebrook
Version: Stonebrook (DVD)
Released in: 1999
Genre Drama, Thriller
Cast Seth Green, Zoe McLellan, Brad Rowe
Director: Byron W. Thompson
Plot: With the help of a friend of the family, 23-year-old Erik (Brad Rowe) gets a scholarship to the Ivy League-type school called Stonebrook. His dorm-mate (Seth Green) is a nerdy hacker named Cornelius. When his scholarship is yanked...
Version: Stonebrook (DVD)
Released in: 1999
Genre Drama, Thriller
Cast Seth Green, Zoe McLellan, Brad Rowe
Director: Byron W. Thompson
Plot: With the help of a friend of the family, 23-year-old Erik (Brad Rowe) gets a scholarship to the Ivy League-type school called Stonebrook. His dorm-mate (Seth Green) is a nerdy hacker named Cornelius. When his scholarship is yanked...