Title: Collapse: Based on the Book by Jared Diamond
Version: National Geographic: Collapse [Blu-ray] [2009]
Released in: 2010
Genre Documentary
Cast Ricardo Agurcia, Jared Diamond, Jamie Effros
Director: Noel Dockstader
Plot: National Geographic follows a hypothetical team of scientists in the year 2210 as they set out to learn what led to the collapse of our present day society in this theoretical look into the future.
Version: National Geographic: Collapse [Blu-ray] [2009]
Released in: 2010
Genre Documentary
Cast Ricardo Agurcia, Jared Diamond, Jamie Effros
Director: Noel Dockstader
Plot: National Geographic follows a hypothetical team of scientists in the year 2210 as they set out to learn what led to the collapse of our present day society in this theoretical look into the future.