Title: The Heart Specialist
Year: 2006
Directed by: Dennis Cooper
Starring: Wood Harris, Zoe Saldana, Brian White, Mya, Scott Paulin, David S. Lee, Kenneth Choi, Irene Tsu, Richard Voigts, Tony Perez
IMDb Rating: 4.4/10
Original Aspect Ratio: 1.85 : 1
MPAA Rating: R
Plot: Suave Harvard Medical School grad Ray Howard seems destined to specialize in womanizing. That is, until he heads to Florida to intern under the tutelage of chief resident Dr. Sidney Zachary. With help from his girlfriend, "Dr. Z" sets out to mold Ray into a caring, responsible doctor. Along the way, he shares some important truths and a whole lot of humor in this sexy romantic comedy.