Title: Cruel World
Version: Cruel World [Blu-ray] [2005]
Released in: 2005
Genre Comedy, Horror, Thriller
Cast Edward Furlong, Daniel Franzese, Andrew Keegan
Director: Kelsey T. Howard
Plot: Reeling from his dismissal from a reality show, a deranged runner-up holds a group of co-eds hostage on the set of his own fictitious show, where losers suffer a deadly fate.
Version: Cruel World [Blu-ray] [2005]
Released in: 2005
Genre Comedy, Horror, Thriller
Cast Edward Furlong, Daniel Franzese, Andrew Keegan
Director: Kelsey T. Howard
Plot: Reeling from his dismissal from a reality show, a deranged runner-up holds a group of co-eds hostage on the set of his own fictitious show, where losers suffer a deadly fate.