Title: Jane Eyre
Year: 1997
Directed by: Robert Young
Starring: Deborah Findlay, Laura Harling, Joanna Scanlan, Ben Sowden, Barbara Keogh, David Gant, Emily Joyce, Gemma Eglinton, Ruth Mitchell, Dominique Belcourt
IMDb Rating: 7.0/10
Original Aspect Ratio: 1.85 : 1
MPAA Rating: Not Rated
Plot: After placing an ad for employment as a governess, Jane Eyre (Samantha Morton) journeys to Thornfield Hall to inquire about a possible position. She is hired by the housekeeper, Mrs. Fairfax (Gemma Jones), to care for young Adele (Timia Berthome), the daughter of the brooding Mr. Rochester (Ciarán Hinds), who lives at the estate. After much trepidation, Eyre and Rochester begin a romantic relationship, but dark secrets surrounding Rochester threaten to destroy the couple's love.