"Classic Disney characters and a classic story unite for a colorful and witty new comic adventure" (Gerry Putzer, New York Daily News) in the musical, full-length movie based on the timeless tale "The Three Musketeers." Best buddies Mickey, Donald, and Goofy are small-time janitors with big dreams of becoming Musketeers. Their lives are turned upside down when Peg-Leg Pete, captain of the Musketeers, and his sinister lieutenant Clarabelle use them in a dastardly plot to rid the kingdom of Princess Minnie -- the only mouse standing in Pete's way of the throne. Mickey, Donald, and Goofy may not look like heroes, but they have a surprise for Pete. Powered by teamwork and friendship, they soon learn that they can accomplish anything if they work together. Packed with swashbuckling action and six rousing songs -- featuring comical spins on classical music by Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, and others -- this exciting musical comedy is sure to be a hit with the entire family.